Hammer golf club legal
Hammer golf club legal

hammer golf club legal

No one has ever really found the root of the problem. They require years of practice, development of muscle memory and bad swing thoughts. Other teaching methods don’t work because they are confusing, overwhelming and very frustrating.

With the Hammer Secret you have finally found the answer to your dreams of how to make the perfect golf swing easy. This isn’t a trick or a gimmick, it’s based on science. I personally get really excited when I see one of my students hit the ball using the Hammer Secret. This instructional series is meant to be a interactive system with which you can learn to hit the ball farther and straighter. This teaching method is called “optimum repeatability”. In teaching you the Hammer Secret it is my goal to teach you a method that can be reproduced every time you drive the ball. The Hammer Technique is the act of striking a golf ball in a manner that utilizes the physical laws of nature to produce optimum distance and accuracy. I wanted a system that would take the guess work out of the traditional golf swing. I constructed a “blueprint” of the perfect swing the way I would have designed a building. I was in engineering at Western Michigan University and heavily immersed into the laws of physics. In 1972 I developed the “Hammer Technique” golf swing. Sure you can go out there and “Grip it & Rip it” to produce yardage but the chances are you will lose control and at best experience inconsistent results.

hammer golf club legal hammer golf club legal

But to do it confidently and naturally everytime you step into the tee box, that’s the secret. Let’s face it everyone wants to hit the long ball. For over 100 years golf has been played the same old way.

Hammer golf club legal